5 benefits bark and fruit dragon for health and beauty

Juni 14, 2017 Add Comment
Benefits fruit dragon to health the skin and the body is very many.Fruit that resembles scales dragon this is really famous as fresh fruit to eat directly or processed into juice.There are two types of fruit dragon that is in indonesia, which is fruit dragon red and fruit dragon white.Both have outward form same, only color his flesh different.

5 benefits bark and fruit dragon for health and beauty
5 benefits bark and fruit dragon for health and beauty
 Fruit dragon red have a flesh color red and it was is also sweeter than with fruit dragon white .While fruit dragon white have flesh-colored white and a slightly acid taste and tasteless .For fruit dragon white very suggested to treated first before being consumed that the way it tastes better .

Benefits fruit dragon to of health of body
To know anything benefits fruit dragon to of health of body , the following will be explained benefits which can be collected through consume fruit dragon .

1. preventing cancer
Cancer is one disease is deadly in this world .One way to prevent cancer was they consume nutritious food balanced .What is in fruit dragon of antioxidant phytoalbumin is highly appropriate to ward off free radicals which can damage the body and increase the risk of cancer .Fiber and vitamin other is also very good to expel poison from in the body of poison metal that is a primary resource causes cancer . 

2. prevent urinary sweet
Lifestyle less good right now is very risky cause disease as dangerous as urinary sweet .Benefits fruit dragon red to health next that is can be help prevent urinary sweet or diabetes mellitus .The main cause of this disease are excess sugar in the blood .They consume fruit dragon routinely can help kill cells evil that could endanger the body .In addition the womb sugar in fruit dragon very safe to patients urinary sweet .

3. prevent early aging 
Not only to of health of body just , fruit dragon is also very good to health the skin .Benefits fruit dragon for health the skin the most important is to prevent early aging on the skin .Pollution that going on around us highly dangerous and could cause early aging on the skin .What is in fruit dragon is very good to give nutrients the skin from in and making the skin stay healthy and youth .

4. Good for the health of blood and bone
Fruit dragon not only good its edible fruit, but his skin also very useful .Benefits the rind of the fruit dragon to health that is can be make the be strong and circulatory to smooth .In the fruit dragon good fruit and his skin containing calcium are high to help maintain the health of blood and also bones that is in in the body .

5. increased appetite
Fruit dragon is also very good to child health , one of them is can increased appetite in children .The womb vitamins b1 and b2 that is inside the dragon red and white can help increased appetite .It tastes good can help them meet nutrients child in the body .

Very much not the benefit of consume fruit dragon this ?Fruit dragon this could get in various stores a fruit is not only in supermarkets alone .The prices offered are also not very expensive and they thought it reasonable .You can also learn plant fruit dragon this alone , care you need also not too hard to .

Processing way for fruit dragon should mixed with syrup or honey that the way it tastes better .You can making ice fruit dragon in addition to some other fruit that the way it tastes better .The addition of ice cubes can also be implemented to be more favors .Benefits fruit dragon to health this can be felt if consumed routinely 

29 benefits fruit acai berries for health and natural beauty

Februari 21, 2017 Add Comment
Fruit berry has a great many variants, one of which is the Accai Berry. Acai berry fruit may still sound foreign to our ears, it is because the fruit is not native to Indonesia. Compared to other berry fruits, fruit of the acai berry has a million benefits that cannot be ignored.
The fruit of the acai berry which measures only the mini has an awful lot of good nutritional health for our bodies as well as to prevent and resolve a variety of health disorders. Some nutritional acai berry fruit that is very beneficial to our body such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamin C, vitamin E, flavonoids, anthocyanin, phosphorus, iron, potassium, amino acids, phytosterols, protein, calcium and other deposits.

Well, it turns out that an awful lot is not nutritional acai berry fruit. No wonder if the berries are dark purple to blackish became one of it.

29 benefits fruit acai berries for health and natural beauty
The benefits of the Acai Berry Fruit to Natural Health and beauty
Based on some of the information we get, the fruit of the acai berry is becoming one of the favorite fruit of the Amazon rainforest inland communities dating back thousands of years ago and still survives to this day. It turns out this is not unfounded, even though they do not yet know what the content at dalammnya, but due to the blessings of the experience, they made this fruit as healthy meals everyday.

Indeed, not all acai berry fruit provide stores to be sold, it is of course due to the very limited availability, it is not balanced with the permiantaaan of our society. You can get this benefit-rich fruit supermarket selling imported fruits, because the acai berry fruit is not found in traditional markets.

The alternative for you who want to get the benefits of the acai berry fruit-seller could take it in pill form or packaging in the shape of the bottle. Of course it doesn't detract from the benefits of the acai berry fruit itself.

Well, about what the heck the benefits acai berry fruit is it? Let's analyze what are the benefits of the acai berry fruit one by one.
The Benefits Of The Acai Berry Fruit
Regardless of the outcome of the claim from the factory that makes the supplement of the basic ingredients of the fruit of the acai berry, acai berry fruit itself has lots of benefits for the health of the body. What are the benefits of acai berry? The following are the benefits of the acai berry for healthy body:
1. Acai Berries are beneficial for increasing the body's Resistance and immunity
The benefits of the acai berry fruit is first is to boost the immune system of our body. As already described above, this fruit has vitamin and minerals are abundant. One of the benefits of vitamin berbaagi contained in acai berry were can improve and maintain the durability of the body and the immune system is useful to prevent disease.

2. Acai Berry Fruit is also beneficial to keep the Body Fit and Always fresh in Activity

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is the second is to keep our body always fit and fit during her daily activities. It is also a rich content of vitamin dikanrekanan in fruit of the acai berry.
3. is Acai Berry also acts as an antioxidant

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is act as natural antioxidants. With this antioxidant content, the body can be spared from different kinds of diseases, especially diseases of chronic nature.

4. Incredible Again, the fruit of Acai Berry Are Anti-cancer

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is the next fruit serves as an antique substances of cancer. This is because this fruit contains antioxidants and vitamins, acai berry is capable to prevent the growth of cancer cells that exist in the body. This means that the acai berry is very effective in preventing cancer that is very dangerous for the health of the body.

5. Fruit Acai Berry also helps to maintain heart health
The benefits of the Acai berry fruit is to keep decisions of the heart. With a good heart health terjaganya, then all sorts of distractions on the organ the heart it will be avoided, such as heart attack and heart failure.
6. Keep your Digestive Health

One more of the fruit of the acai berry because it can maintain the health of our pencernan. This is because the fruit contains fiber that is very high. This makes acai berry become very nice and helpful in maintaining healthy gastrointestinal tract, especially on the part of the intestine.
7. The Acai Berry Fruit is helpful to Prevent hemorrhoids and disorders of the digestive system

Various problems such as hemorrhoids can also be addressed by this tiny fruit. Hemorrhoids is one of digestive health disorders that occur due to a lack of fiber in the body by consuming acai berry regularly, then the symptoms of hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders can be resolved easily. The following are some of the symptoms of digestive disorders:
  • Diarrhea 
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Constipation 
  • Kidney failure 
  • Kidney stones 
  • Appendicitis
8. This fruit also can provide Energy for our bodies

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is to provide sufficient energy intake to the body, so it is very good for those of you who are doing the diet of carbohydrates.
9. Acai Berry can also lower cholesterol

You have high cholesterol levels in the blood? Not to worry, because by consuming fruit acai berry regularly can lower the levels of kolesterol in your blood. Besides being able to control the levels in the body, kolestrol acai berry is also able to lower levels in the body, so kolestrol acai berry can be one of the obligatory for kolestrol disease.

10. Fat? Quietly, the fruit of the Acai Berry can keep a fixed Ideal Weight
They are also useful for maintaining the weight still ideal. In addition, the acai berry was also able to lose weight, but surely it should also add to this portion of training is enough to optimize weight loss.
11. The Acai Berry Fruit Mengkopnsumsi = Skin stay healthy

Benefits of acai berry is to preserve the health of the skin, this is because this fruit contains vitamin E which is very good for skin health. In addition to good for skin health, acai berry also rated good to help mengaja the health of the hair.
12. Acne? Who Is Afraid Of. Acai Berry Fruit consumption, because it can Prevent acne and skin disorders

The acai berry fruit is also useful to prevent acne and other skin diseases. This is due to the content of various kinds of vitamins on the acai berry is able to treat and get rid of acne, especially since the content of vitamin E and vitamin C.
13. Fruit Berry are also Anti Irritation

The benefits of the fruit berry is the anti-iritasinya properties. This is because the Acai berry fruit has vitamin C is good for the health of the body. This vitamin C in addition to maintain the durability of the body, can also prevent irritation that occurs in the body.
14. Old Fast? Eat Fruit Acai Berry Wrote, because they can Prevent premature aging

Furthermore, the acai berry fruit is also useful to prevent premature aging. This is dikarneakam fruit acai berry contains antioxidants that are beneficial to ward off free radicals, which play an important role in preventing the occurrence of premature aging.
15. If starting to Stress, Multiply the fruit of the Acai Berry because it is good for Mental health

Sleain to physical health, acai berry fruit is also beneficial to mental. This is due to the blood supply and nutrients to parts of the brain and the nervous system becomes better and be more smoothly without any interference or obstacles.
16. The Acai Berry Fruit is also beneficial for bone health

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is to maintain bone health. This is because this fruit contains calcium and phosphorus. Both of these minerals are excellent for maintaining bone health, and may help you:
  • Optimizethe absorption of nutrientsbythe bone. 
  • Keep your bone structure. 
  • Prevent osteoporosis. 
  • Help bone growth optimally.
17. the Acai Berry can also prevent infection

The benefits of the acai berry fruit is to prevent further infection. This is because vitamin C and antioxidants in the acai berry can also be utilized to prevent the occurrence of infections that appear. Usually this infection can occur outside the body, nor on the baian the organs of the body.
18. The benefits of Acai Berry that is Helping the formation of muscle mass

Lastly, the fruit of the acai berry are also useful to help the formation of muscle mass. Because this fruit contains a high protein content. This of course will be very helpful for those who are in the program formation of muscle mass, and can also help the decomposition of fats in the body.

How? Very incredible isn't it? Not wrong if we incorporate this into the list of fruit fruit that we consume on a regular basis, because a great many benefits.

That's some of the benefits of the acai berry fruit that we could share it to you. May be useful, don't forget to share this article to others so that the more useful again.

16 Benefits Star fruit "Wuluh" for health and beauty

Februari 17, 2017 Add Comment
Benefits Of Star Fruit "Wuluh" - Despite having the same name of star fruit star fruit wuluh however have different varieties of fruit star fruit. In terms of taste and shape is very much different, star fruit has a flavor that acid with its size of only a thumb is very different with fruit star fruit in General which has a sweet taste with a size larger.

Benefits of star fruit wuluh many made seasoning that can provide fresh effects as well as many made Queen. Benefits of star fruit wuluh not only up there, but many more benefits of star fruit wuluh more.

Before we peel the star fruit wuluh tunta about efficacy, it's good if you know the content of nutrients in it.
16 Benefits Star fruit "Wuluh" for health and beauty

Benefits Of Star Fruit

Some Of The Benefits Of Star Fruit Wuluh

With the abundance of content on star fruit wuluh if consumed or we make mask can overcome various damage and disease in our body. Here's some star fruit wuluh benefits for health and beauty that you know:
1. the benefits of star fruit Wuluh to treat coughs

Benefits of star fruit wuluh can also relieve cough and sputum may issue pertaining to the throat that gives the effect of itching that can aggravate the disease cough.

How to make star fruit wuluh herb to treat coughs

  • Prepare3star fruitwuluhfreshgrainsthen washtoclean 
  • Then prepare also some grains of Aniseed 
  • Use sugar to taste 
  • Put all the ingredients in a pot 
  • Add 1 cup water and then cook until remaining water little us – approximately 3 tablespoons 
  • After the winter the herb into the cloth insert to help ease the process of filtering and retrieval water star fruit 
  • E.g., food and evening drinking routinely to cough recover
2. Addressing the disease of diabetes
Diabetes can also be cured by avidly consume the herb-based star fruit wuluh. The content on the star fruit wuluh can treat diseases caused because the levels of sugar in the blood passing through the normal limit.
The substance is an acid is a substance that is contained in star fruit the number could hit wuluh sugar in the blood is normal for Lazio.

How to make star fruit wuluh herb to treat diabetes
  • Preparethe ingredientsin the form ofa 6star fruitwuluhfruityanstill fresh 
  • Star fruit wuluh boiled in a saucepan and add 1 cup water white 
  • Wait until the boiled water of star fruit wulut half glasses 
  • Take the star fruit wuluh squeezed while water water gar can be mixed with the decoction of water 
  • After a somewhat cold or warm drink the potion nail 2 times a day regularly.
3. Healthy bones
Bones begin to lose its density will lead to bones become brittle and porous so that bone is no longer able to support our bodies. Sehinng bones can lose its function.
Star fruit wuluh contain calcium that is excellent for treating bone health and help restore bone density. Star fruit wuluh consuming diligently directly or may be boiled and drunk in the water at least once a day.
4. Treating toothache

Benefits of star fruit wuluh next can relieve pain in the tooth. Especially a hollow tooth. But keep in mind this treatment only temporary so if toothache relapse again do this way back by way of mashing the star fruit wuluh fruit 1 then put on a tooth that hurts.
5. Prevent hypertension

Problems that occur due to abnormal blood tekana too high so the heart trouble pumping blood can you heal potions to use star fruit wuluh so tekana blood return to normal. How many of these have been done by the public since the first.

How to make star fruit wuluh herb to treat hypertension:
  • Washcleanfruitstar fruitwuluh3selecta still-fresh 
  • Star fruit wuluh stew by adding 2 cups of water and one stem of celery leaves 
  • Then wait until the boiled water remaining one glass 
  • Drink once a day until normal blood pressure returned to normal, after doing perewatan to prevent your blood rises again by drinking this potion once a week.
6. Cope with Acne
Acne pad your face indeed disturbed the appearance not to mention acne scars inflicted later. Before the acne waxes badly and left the former do nurses use star fruit wulih by way of mashing starfruit then gunalan sebai mask on your face though a bit stung should be arrested for getting acne free face.
7. Overcoming panu

Star fruit wuluh has antifungal properties can overcome skin problems caused by the fungus-like disease panu. So with regular star fruit wuluh grater paste on the affected skin panu regularly will eliminate the fungus causes panu and kulitpun will be healthy from panu.
8. Overcoming the thrush
Canker sores one disease that is found in the mouth. Benefits of star fruit wuluh wrong satinya can heal canker sores but it feels pretty sore but hold a little so that the canker sores heal faster.
How to make star fruit wuluh herb to resolve thrush
  • Take thestar fruitwuluhfruitfresh1 
  • the star fruit wuluh grated 
  • apply on the mouth area of esophageal thrush 
  • do 3 times a day in order for maximum results
9. Shrink pores
Star fruit wuluh can also be used to resolve the problem on the facial skin with vitamin C on star fruit wulut is excellent for treating facial skin one can shrink the pores which began to slacken and will easier entry of dust and dirt as well as the bad bacteria.
How to make star fruit wuluh potion to shrink pores

prepare star fruit wuluh fruit 5 then wash to clean
puree of star fruit wuluh by means ground or can also use a blender
After smooth add water salt to taste
apply as a face mask as using caution regarding your eyes would feel stung karna
wait for about 10 minutes then wash it clean

10. star fruit wuluh Wraps

Use a body scrub made from star fruit wuluh will make our skin becomes bright and healthy because of star fruit wuluh contains vitamin abik air to brighten skin and has antifungal properties then your skin will be free from various diseases caused by the mushroom-like, panu, kadas, and ringworm. In addition to our skin will look brighter will also look more healthy.

How to make star fruit wuluh wraps

clean star fruit wuluh fruit fresh 10
star fruit wuluh until finely grated
Add warm water to taste
then apply the tersebit wraps evenly on your skin
wait for 20 minutes after 20 minutes of rub-rub all parts of your skin that still use the wraps so dead skin cells that stick to the skin that wraps together regardless of opt in to start tumbling
the next step of rinsing the entire skin surface using hot towels

11. The mask of star fruit wuluh

Star fruit wuluh also very good dijdikan face masks that can resolve various problems on the skin of the face. Star fruit wuluh have vitamin C and a. in addition to brighten the face but also the substance anti oxidants that can ward off free radicals that can merusah the cells and be one of the causes of premature aging.

How to make a mask star fruit wuluh

· star fruit wuluh fruit take 5 then wash clean
· puree all star fruit wuluh
· then use the mask on your face
· wait until the mask dries
· Rinse using clean water do this treatment twice a week

12. Care for lips

Benefits of star fruit wuluh was to lip care, be it blackened lips or dry lips. Star fruit is very effective at restoring lip pigment naturally. So blackened and pale lip yan slowly going back flushed as readily.

It turns out that it doesn't have to be expensive-expensive wear lipstick or other beauty products to get lip blushes as readily. We simply by rubbing the lips of star fruit on a regular basis. The way is dividing into 2 parts of a star fruit wuluh, then rub the star fruit wuluh on the lip for about 5 minutes then rinse with clean water.
Benefits of star fruit Wuluh more

The following benefits of star fruit wuluh more mandatory that you know:

Increase the durability of the body
Anti premature aging
Skin moisturizing
Prevent free radicals
Nourish skin

So the discussion about some of the benefits of star fruit wuluh are simple but have a great impact for the health of body and beauty. Hopefully this article is beneficial to all readers. Don't forget also to share this article to others so that the more useful again.